Enrolments are open and we would love to welcome your family into our community.

For 3 and 4 year old kindergarten, please follow this link to the Greater Dandenong Council website where you can start your enrolment process.
If there are any other enquiries feel free to contact the kinder on 9706 8913.
Yarraman Kindergarten offers three year old and four year old kindergarten programs, facilitated and supported by degree qualified early childhood teachers and diploma trained co-educators. All our staff have years of experience and love what they do.

Yarraman Oaks Primary School Kindergarten is very proud to be a recipient of the Victorian Early Years Awards 2023.
For more information please click here.
Our Philosophy
We acknowledge that when children arrive at Yarraman Kindergarten, they bring their own knowledge of the world and that their interactions with other people and the environment all further enrich their learning experience.
All children are capable individuals and learn best through play, while engaging in meaningful learning relationships with others and their environment.
We acknowledge that family is the first influence in the child’s life. It is essential that mutually supportive relationships are established between families and educators in order to provide the best outcomes for their child.
In the child’s education the teacher becomes an additional partner as a facilitator of learning outside of the home.
The aim is to establish safe and nurturing relationships and environments, as well as promote continuity in each child’s learning journey.
We value nature play as a way of encouraging appreciation and respect for the natural environment. We aim to provide safe, warm and welcoming spaces that promote learning and social connection.
A child’s community connections can offer valuable learning experiences and sense of belonging as they learn about active participation, cooperation, respect for others and awareness of diversity.
We believe communities have a responsibility towards the education of it’s children. Our Committee of Management, run by families and local community members, ensures that the decision making reflects those values and that the community takes an active role in contributing to the rearing of its children.

Acknowledgement of Country
We acknowledge the Bunurong People who are the traditional custodians of the land on which our kindergarten is located. We pay our respects to ancestors and Elders past, present and emerging.
We are committed to honouring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ ongoing, unique cultural and spiritual relationships to the land, waters and seas and their rich contribution to society.
We will respect this land and help look after it for future generations, encouraging others to do the same. We will care for and protect children as they are our future.